
The osd_memory_target parameter in Ceph sets a soft limit for the memory usage of Object Storage Daemons (OSDs). It helps manage how much memory each OSD uses, but it doesn’t enforce a strict cap. Under certain conditions, OSDs can exceed the configured target.

  • 8 GiB per OSD for spinning HDDs or SSDs.
  • Up to 12 GiB per OSD for NVMe drives, which handle higher IOPS and can benefit from more memory.
  • Make sure the host has enough memory for the operating system and other Ceph components like Monitor and Manager daemons.
  • When dealing with mixed storage types, allocate memory targets proportional to the performance of the drives.

Why OSDs May Exceed osd_memory_target

  • Ceph adjusts memory usage dynamically. There might come a situation where ceph has freed up the memory but the linux kernel has not claimed it. 1

  • This is also the bluestore_cache_autotune parameter, which is set to true by default. If it is disabled, Ceph will ignore osd_memory_target and will adjust OSD memory usage according to bluestore_cache_size_hdd or bluestore_cache_size_ssd.23

  • If osd_memory_target_autotune is set to true (by default, false on croit), cephadm will dynamically adjust the osd_memory_target depending on the system memory available. 4



  • Use tools like ceph daemon osd.<ID> perf dump to check memory usage for individual OSDs.
  • Monitor overall system memory with commands like htop or free -h to ensure that memory usage stays within limits.

Adjusting osd_memory_target

  • Set the memory target with:
    ceph config set osd osd_memory_target <desired_value_in_bytes>
    Example: To set 8 GiB:
    ceph config set osd osd_memory_target 8589934592


  1. Ceph Official Documentation – Hardware Recommendations

  2. Ceph Official Documentation – Automatic Cache Sizing

  3. Red Hat Documentation – OSDs take up more memory than configured

  4. Ceph Official Documentation - OSD Memory Target Autotuning