
I host a bunch of services for the www / friends. Most of it is public and free to signup / use. However some services like Nextcloud or Immich which are primarily for data storage require you to send me an email to onboard you.

NameUsecaseAlternative ToAccessibility
BitwardenManage passwordsLastpassPublic
ImmichStore your picturesGoogle PhotosPrivate
NextcloudCloud storageGoogle DrivePrivate
PrivatebinShare text securelyPastebinPublic
SearXSearch any part of the internetGoogle SearchPublic


Obligatory uptime-kuma reporting on incidents:

Status Updates

2024-05-13 13:23

VM was being migrated to another node because of the issue highlighted in Migrating VMs on Encrypted Proxmox. Services were up today morning again.

2024-05-11 12:44

Updated DNS to the wrong CNAME first and then the correct CNAME record.

2024-05-10 15:07

Recent downtime is not really a downtime but is rather caused by the uptime-kuma docker container not being available. It was some docker bug that was caused by restarting caddy, and was fixed by updating packages and rebooting the machine.