❓ What?

When the orange cloud is ticked on Cloudflare DNS records, every request is proxied by Cloudflare.

This is great because I get great peering no matter where in the world I am. This is great because the backend cannot see the client’s real IP.

The latter is actually not so great because I want my infrastructure to be aware of the real client IP.

🎤 How?

There is a two-step solution to this problem.

Make my infrastructure trust Cloudflare

I mean that already is the case as I am using Cloudflare as my go-to DNS and sometimes a reverse-proxy. However, my load balancers also need to trust cloudflare. My choice of webserver is caddy and caddy includes a trusted_proxies directive that’s defined globally. Right now it looks like this:

   servers {
     trusted_proxies static private_ranges

which means trust all requests originating from private IPs, which is cool because I consider the applications I deploy as trusted.

However I also want it to trust Cloudflare IPs. Cloudflare publishes a list of their used IPs under https://cloudflare.com/ips and manually copy-pasting is a chore… so somebody made a module for it: https://github.com/WeidiDeng/caddy-cloudflare-ip and I changed my Dockerfile to include the module in the build. My Dockerfile looks like this:

FROM caddy:builder AS builder
RUN xcaddy build \
    --with github.com/caddy-dns/cloudflare \
    --with github.com/WeidiDeng/caddy-cloudflare-ip
FROM caddy:latest
COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy

Once the image is built, all that needs to be done is adding a new line that says:

	servers {
      trusted_proxies static private_ranges
      trusted_proxies cloudflare

And once Caddy is restarted, our X-Forwarded-For should have IPs in the format we expect.

Stop Clients from spoofing X-Forwarded-For

If Cloudflare does not see a X-Forwarded-For in the incoming request, it creates one. If it sees the header present, it appends its IP in the header. That could mean one of two things:

  1. There’s a load-balancer sitting in front of Cloudflare which is very unlikely.
  2. The client is claiming to be an IP that they are not.

To prevent (2), we can tell Cloudflare to remove the header altogether.

Removing X-Forwarded-For

This is about removing the X-Forwarded-For header that is in the request from the client to Cloudflare and not removing it from when Cloudflare passes the request from itself to the backend.

To do this, simply create a Transform Rule under Rules → Transform Rules → Modify Request Header. Apply the rule to all incoming requests and set the action to Remove and enter X-Forwarded-For as the value.

And that’s it. We just made sure that our applications see the correct client IP and the client cannot spoof it.

👓 References

