❓ What?
Instead of going the regular route and using Caps Lock as a hyper key / hyper key layer, I tried to use it with the new feature from BetterTouchTool, which blocks (and releases) keyboard input temporarily. I discovered this because of Frank1 on BTT Forums.
❔ Why?
BetterTouchTool does not listen to keystrokes sent by BetterTouchTool when configuring shortcuts or key sequences in it. Shortcuts are basically one key combo, such as a Modifier (Cmd, Opt, Ctrl) + Any key that is not a Modifier (h, j, k, l).
Using Caps Lock as Hyper Key would mean I have to press Four Modifiers when configuring a new shortcut every time, and this does not even work when defining a Key Sequence (which is what I use more because I am a fan of Namespaced Shortcuts) because the modifier order is relevant and cannot be marked as irrelevant in BTT.
🎤 How?
I don’t just want to use Caps Lock as a Keyboard Block / Release button. Sure, when pressed (and held), I want it to do that. However, when pressed (and released), I want it to send Escape. I have been recently trying to relearn QWERTY to type with all my fingers instead of all on my left + two on my right.
I have spent quite a bit of time trying out different combinations of delays and such, trying to emulate a QMK tap-hold functionality and here is what worked finally.
When Caps Lock is Pressed and Released:
Send Escape
Toggle Caps Lock
This is important because otherwise Caps Lock itself would turn on - meaning all CAPS.
When Caps Lock is Pressed and no further input is detected for the next 0.2 seconds (that is, caps lock is not released OR any other key is NOT pressed):
Block keyboard input.
Initially, the delay was 0.3s, but I have reduced it to 0.2s. I’ll try reducing it further in the future.
When Caps Lock is Released (only when keyboard input is blocked - I do not want it to trigger when caps lock is pressed with another key as I also configure shortcuts that are not key sequences):
Allow keyboard input
Toggle Caps Lock
This is important because otherwise Caps Lock itself would turn on - meaning all CAPS.
👓 References